Rare STD LGV more common in the Netherlands

LGV is short for Lymphogranuloma venereum, a sexually transmitted disease.
Other names are: Durand-Nicolas-Favre disease, lymphogranuloma inguinale, poradenitis inguinal, bubo Tropicus, and lymphopathia venerea.

The sexually transmitted disease often begins with a sore on the penis or around the anus. In the next stage, ulcerated lymph node in the groin or in the case of infection around the anus, fistulas and fibrosis. From the painful anus comes pus mixed with blood.

LVG is an STD which dindn't occur that much normally in Western countries such as the Netherlands but only in the tropics. However, last year, the number of infections more than doubled, from 51 to 116.
Doctors worry about the rise of this aggressive chlamydia variant, which spreads among gay men in particular, evidenced by the annual figures of the Amsterdam STD clinic which will soon be announced.

In tropical countries (Southeast Asia, Africa, Central America and the Caribbean), the STD came before. It is caused by a particular variant of the Chlamydia bacteria, not the same type also known Chlamydia causing inflammation of the urethra in men and women, but a different type (identified in the laboratory, with the letters L1, L2, or L3).

The LGV virus penetrates the mucosal lymph job. Lymphatic vessels can therefore be broken, so no more fluid can be drained. Constrictions may also occur in the intestines. The infection is treated with antibiotics, but the insidious that a quarter of the patients had no complaints. De Vries: 'But they can transfer it. "

After an infection wounds arise, making it more easy for people to catch other STD's (including HIV). That explains the increase in the number of cases of hepatitis C among Amsterdam's gaymen. Of the men who got a test last year it showed that more than 1% was infected with LVG. Now also the first infections are established among heterosexuals. There is a fear that it will spread therefore even faster, says AMC Professor Henry de Vries, who works in the STD clinic.

Source: Wikipedia and seks.blog.nl

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