Insomnia, dips and more cured with sex!

The streets are red, yellow and orange with a tip green by all falling leaves, I myself am already shivering, even with the heating on for weeks, this week we had the first frost and at the moment my throat feels like I've been drinking glasses sandpaper .. 
In short, autumn has begun (and winter is coming ;)). And besides all the cosiness (Dutch have a celebration before Christmas called Sinterklaas) all the flus and dips also start. 

Fortunately, we have a natural remedy for it, and I'm not talking about dirty nettle tea but of course about Seksss! Read on to find out what nasty ailments you can solve with sex.

Who frequently has sex would also be more resistant to colds. Sex increases namely immunoglobulin A, an antibody that fights this ailment.

Several scientific studies show that people feel happier after lovemaking. And that can Professor James Coan of the University of Virginia only confirm. "If you have sex, the so-called happiness hormones oxytocin and endorphins are released. But also oral sex can reduce depressive symptoms as well. Semen contains substances that improve your mood and so act a little as antidepressants. "

'The endorphins released during sex lead to a relaxed feeling, making you fall asleep easily, "says Johan Verbraecken, sleep expert at the University Hospital in Antwerp.

A study at the University of Münster in Germany shows that headaches are reduce by sex. Scientists questioned 800 people who regularly suffer from migraines. As many as 60 percent of respondents who made ​​love during a migraine attack afterwards dealt with less headaches. Neurologist Stefan Evers, who led the research, concludes that the pain goes away thanks to the endorphins released during sex.

Menstrual cramps
Orgasms ensure that the uterine muscles contract and releases chemicals that act as natural painkillers. Scientific research shows that this combination addresses the cramps immediately. So accept no whining from these gentlemen, a real skipper also sails the Red Sea;)

Scientist Francis Fesmire claims that orgasm is a panacea for hiccups. The reason? If you have the hiccups, then many muscles are in motion. One certain nerve is responsible for all the movement: the vagus nerve. This begins in the brains and runs through to the abdominal organs and regulates our breathing. A large part of the hiccup-reflex takes place within the control range of the vagus nerve. By stimulating this one extra the signal for hiccups can be blocked. And having an orgasm is specially effective in causing this blockage.

Morning sickness
Gordon Gallup, attached to the Suny-University in Albany, New York has found that pregnant women suffer less from morning sickness if they often come into contact with sperm. Half of the DNA of the foetus comes from the father, so that the female body can repel the organism with nausea as a result. He reasons that women who in the first trimester of pregnancy often have sex will feel better. In this way they develop a higher tolerance to the genetic material of their partner.

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