Men about the perfect woman

Before we saw the women about their prince charming, not it's the guys turn. Their answers differ a lot, although they are unanimous about question 7&8 :P enjoy!

The tough men this time:

Mike (37), works in a callcenter, is single.
Rob (29), is in the military, has a RS.
Roman (25), studying marketing / working part-time as a weiter, single.
Roy (32), is artist/DJ and recently single.
Bas (23), studies at the PABO ( becoming teacher), has a GF.
Dutch Steel (22), single, biology-teacher.

1. What do you first notice looking at a woman?
Mike: What kind of shoes she wears.
Rob: I pay attention to the face, the eyes, mouth and nose.
Roman: I look at several things: whether she is pettite or not (I am weak for petit girls), whether she is skinny on not, whether she is looking at me or not (often they will look at me and that’s hot), whether she has something unique and interesting about her (e.g., pirsings, tattoos, ethnicity), what is she doing, boobs, ass, face – generally speaking I make a overall impression of a person..
Roy: Her charisma.
Bas: Her face.
Dutch: Her whole body and charisma.

2. What do you thinks is the most beautiful of a woman's body?
Mike: Eyes and ass!
Rob: Female curves like belly, boobs and ass.
Roman: Her face.
Roy: A sexy belly.
Bas: Curves.
Dutch: Her legs.

2. Skinny or curvy?
Mike: I don't care about that, charisma is most important to me.
Rob: Curves.
Roman: Rather skinny.
Roy: Both, but dependent.
Bas: Curves.
Dutch: Rather skinny.

4. Boobs or ass? And if boobs, what size do you prefer? Is plastic surgery allowed (silicons/butt-implants)?
Mike: Ass! And i prefer no surgery although I can image situations that make a woman choose for it.
Rob: Boobs! -
Roman: Boobs, I prefer them big and moving. Silicone boobs are good as long as it's not to obvious.
Roy: Ass and I prefer no surgery.
Bas: Boobs, around D-cups. No I prefer natural curves, they are the most beautiful.
Dutch: Ass. I prefer smaller boobs. Surgery is not a problem but as I said, I prefer small boobs.

5. What is the biggest turn-off according to you inner AND outer?
Mike: Inner: arrogance and if she is really loud in bed, outer: Sleezy or untended women.
Rob: Women who are to male-isch and dress/act to manly.
Roman: Fat women and if she shows no interest in me.
Roy: Inner: lying or cheating women, outer: Bad teeth, short hair and too big boobs.
Bas: Inner: Selfish, arrogance and non-intelligent. Outer: Untended, too fat, to thin, or short hair.
Dutch: Inner: If she complains a lot about things but doesn't take action to change it. Outer: Drawn eyebrows.

6.  Which characteristics can she definitely NOT miss?  
Mike: Smart, independent, good for the children and I kind a like it if she bosses me around a bit hahaha.
Rob: Loving, independent and determined.
Roman: Young looking, petit and at least one interesting attribute that distinguish her from the rest.
Roy: Honest, sweet and loyal. 
Bas: Caring, spontaneity and humor.
Dutch: Outgoing, entrepreneurial, not afraid to say what she thinks, positive in life.

7. Do you prefer a beauty who lies dead or a little less beautiful sex-goddess?
Mike: As long as she is not too less pretty, a sex-goddess. 
Rob: Preferably a less beautiful sex-goddes.
Roman: Preferably a less beautiful sex-goddes.
Roy: In this case rather a a less beautiful sex-goddes!
Bas: Preferably a less beautiful sex-goddes.
Dutch: The 2nd.

8. Does she have to swallow or don’t you care about that?
Mike: It would be cool but it's not a disaster if she doesn't want to.
Rob: I don't really care.
Roman: I never had that, so I dunno…
Roy: I don't really care.
Bas: I don't really care.
Dutch: It's really hot if she does it, but I don't mind her spitting.

9. What’s the sweetest thing a girl did for you?
Mike: I can't think of anything until now, actually that sucks.
Rob: Waiting very long for me.
Roman: Giving me a handjob in public.
Roy: When I passed my driving test she surprised me with incense and candles in the bedroom, a bottle of Prosecco, nice lingerie and so on, massage and you can imagine the rest, haha.It was nice to get spoiled myself for a change.
Bas: Telling me she can't miss me.
Dutch: Picking me up and taking care of me when I was totally drunk on the ground and after that just acting really relaxed about it.

10. How can a girl totally drive you wild?
Mike: My earlobes are very sensitive. Besides that I like having sex in strange places like a alley or secretly on a party. As long as it's not standard and in bed. These are things which turn me on.
Rob: For me it's already good if she walks around naked.
Roman: She must always want to have sex with me and to show it again and again (sexgodness) :D.
Roy: Tickling and kissing me everywhere, specially while looking at me in a certain way.
Bas: Walking into the bedroom in lingerie ;)
Dutch: Pin-up lingerie! 

Men thank you for your honest and fun answers!! 

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See here for the previous interviews.

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