The 10 Sex-phobias

We all have heard of Arachnophobia, the fear of spiders. But what is Philemaphobia? Of Eurotophobia? If you wany to find out, read more!

1. Medorthophobia also ithyphallofobia. The fear of erections. Whether it is about having, seeing or getting one.

2. Androphobia also Fear of men. Usually in women who had a traumatic experience.

3. Malaxophobia/sarmassophobia. Being scared of sex. These people already freak out during foreplay..

4. Philemaphobia, Fear of (french) kissing. There are couples who have been together for years without having kissed once.

5. Oneirogmophobia is a fear in mostly men. They are scared of wet dream, or getting dirty sheets.

6. Eurotophobia Is the fear of vagina's Both in men and women and not very handy.

7. Gymnophobia is the fear of nakes people or yourself being naked.

8. Medomalacuphobia Is a fear in men for not being able to get an erection. Usually after a period of erectionproblems or frequent use of Viagra, which isn't very helpful.

9. Parthenophobia is the fear of virgins or young girls.

10. Menophobia, if you read this carefully you could understand already, the fear of menstruation. Women who have this are frightened to dead once a month.

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