Why men wont eat pussy, and my response

Image via Stocksy/Cameron Whitman
Earlier I referred to the scientific research that said women are twice as likely to perform oral sex, now VICE asked men why they won´t eat pussy.

"From "Chasing Amy" to advice columns everywhere, straight guys who won't go down on women are widely considered anti-feminist heathens. Since none of them would go on record, we asked some sex therapists about what's behind their lack of generosity."

Check it out here

My response:

Take it or leave it
If you are really not into it, please just leave it. We women, feel if you are eating us out with reluctance. Not wanting to be a hypocrite is like thé worst reason to get it over with.
But keep in mind, a man who eats pussy like a boss is a man who can get away with almost anything, and will be rewarded better than he could ever imagine ;)

So, if you're open to it, take care of the hygiene part together.

Usually this is a vicious circle. A vagina has (usually) a bit of a smell (so just get over it), and if a girl gets excited and she becomes wet it will increase a bit. If you had a normal working day, and been busy you'll get sweaty (yes, there as well) and more smell can occur.
We know about this, we do have a nose as well and are quite insecure about it already, cause we know that after sweaty days you are not too keen on sticking your nose between our lips.

So because we know this we will get over excited with cleaning ourselves, and use every product on the market. These products may help for the moment supreme, but ten minutes later you'll have a yeast infection and a smell.. let's say the weekly fish stall would be jealous..
Something you men fear the most, which again makes us more insecure and here is the circle.

Have a nice shower together before you get it on. If you don't want to go together tell her you will go fresh up and will leave a fish towel for her, so the hint will be clear enough ;).
Girls (or boys, if you decided to join), use your fingers or a wash cloth and JUST WATER to rub your lips (cause wereas in men the smegma gets under his foreskin, in women it will stick between the folds of your labia), use your fingers to go in and, if you need a vaginal klysma (not too many times a month).
Little effort, great effect.

Wear daily fresh underwear form a non synthetic fabric, and on days you do your work-outs, change after the exercising.
Another important issue is cleaning your clothes. Don't use too much detergent or fabric softener. Lovely flowery-smells in your shirt smell great but your pussy´s will not like it as much as you, and will assert themselves.

No matter how good it feels to have him come in you, if you do not immediately after go flush everything, it will start to scald in there. The pH-level of semen and the vagina are quite far apart from each other and a disturbance in the pH-levels ensures unpleasant odors.

Alternatively, let him come on your belly / butt / boobs / mouth, or use a condom .. although I personally would rather smell fish than that disgusting rubber XD

If you still have a very strong smell in spite of all the amenities, have another chat with your GP. There are plenty of foods or pills that affect the pH level of your vagina or your mucous membranes, and thus can cause unpleasant odors.

Became enthusiastic?
Make sure you lick your girl into paradise with:
How to: Eating pussy, my beginners guide to eating pussy and more hygiene tips for the ladies
Or see the comprehensive guide for more advanced eating How to eating pussy like a boss

A helping hand is definitely appreciated
In case you really don't like to eat her out, please be good with your hands. Luckily I got you covered with a How to: Fingering a girl.

Have fun!

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