The reasons of cheating

Research of Henk Noort showed that 25% of the people in the Netherlands has cheated at least one time. There isn't a big difference between men and women in it. 

On the other hand 90% of the people disapprove it. This is quite a difference and the subject is more or less a taboo. Fortunately taboos don't exist on the internet so I found lots of information. To keep the overview a bit I will focus on the why men and women cheat. 

Men and women may cheat in the same degree but they both have different reasons to cheat. There are also many opinions about cheating. To the one kissing is already cheating, to the other only sexual activity counts, and again someone else thinks emotional bonding with someone else than your partner is cheating. For the convenience I will consider kissing and sexual activities with other people as cheating.

Main reasons why men cheat:
1. Because he had the possibility to/ to increase his ego
Men can cheat when they think you will never find out about it. Besides that fatc is that men don't get sex offered that much as women. Mostly it's hard for them to resist a woman who throws herself at them. Specially when there is alcohol in the game.
Ego: It could be that he likes to see of he is smart enough to hide the expansion of his sex-life. And it is good for his self confidence/ego if he notices a woman is giving him more attention. Cause men are also a bit insecure about there appearance or sex-appeal from time to time.

2. Because you fell in a rut or have lots of fights
It's known that escapades can be very exciting. I'ts new, unknown and a turn on. Specially when you are in a RS for quite some time and the new is gone he can try to find this somewhere else. This doesn't have to mean that he wants someone more attractive. Also when you have lot's of fights he can run off and unburden himself at his new colleague, in her bed...

3. Because you grew apart/ he doesn't love you (that much) any more
Somehow he has has doubts about your relationship , whether it's still good or not. In this period he is more open for other people. And one leads to another, before you know it he has found someone who thinks alike or with who he has more common grounds which leads to her bed..
If he doesn't love you any more, or not that much any more, he mostly is only still with you because of other reasons. Maybe because you have kids together or your financial position asks for this. If a man doesn't love you any more he usually doesn't even see it as cheating.

4. Because your sex-life sucks (figurally)
We all know thta most men have a higher libido than women and they don't need a reason to fuck someone. If a man can't get enough or unsatisfying sex he will go find it somewhere else.

5. To take revenge
If you cheated on him it could be that he will do it back to you as a revenge. This is his way of showing he doesn't accept your behaviour. Next to that it has common points with increasing his ego (point 1). When you cheat on him his ego will get a crack and in this way he can fix it for himself.

6. Because you let him in the past
When you forgave him to easily for cheating in the past the resistance to do it again will be much more less.

7. To get rid of you
Unfortunately some men are wimps or you are a psycho bitch which makes him to scared to break up. he will cheat on you, hoping you will break-up with him instead.

8. Because he has a secret preference
Whether he is gay or gets it of from golden showers, if he has a preference of which he is ashamed, he can choose to satisfy this need somewhere else. Mostly men in this situation go to hookers or find peers at the internet

Main reasons why women cheat:
1. To take revenge
Many women take revenge on their partner when he deeply hurts her. To them it's more easy to find someone and specially when someone ís nice cheating seems more appealing to a woman.

2. To get confirmation or out of jealousy
Women want attention. When their partner is not or almost not giving this the temptation of other men is more hard to resist. Women also want to be attractive and when they don't get their conformation at home they will start doubting themselves. This makes them try to find the attention in other men without thinking there could be another reason why their partner is not giving her that much attention. Also jealousy has to do with this. If a woman's partner is attractive and gets lot of attention of other women they can become jealous and suspicious. By cheating they will get their confirmation and it's allowing them to deal with the attention their man gets.

3. To prevent loneliness
There are plenty of women who are afraid of being alone. They rather not give up a bad relationship before they found a new partner. This kind of cheating usually happens at the end of relationships.

4. Because you fell in a rut/ the relation got stuck
Both men and women need excitement in their life and relationship. A affair can make her life more coloured which makes she feels more attractive and sexy. Of course it's better to try to find this excitement in your relationship. It could also be that this would be her cry for attention. If your relationship got this stuck and she cheats on you she could be showing you what you could loose and force you to communicate.

5. Because she could and/or she wanted it
There are plenty of women who can't get enough or who can't resist the temptations around them. Besides that women are better in hiding affairs (or they are not suspected of it?) which makes them get away with it more easy.

Keep in mind that it applies to both sexes that usually there is not just one reason why they cheat. Mostly it's about a combination of reasons. Besides the ones I pointed out now there can also be other reasons or the a woman can have a men's reason. I can only recommend you to think before you cheat because of the possible consequences for the both of you. It's always better to try to fix your RS if you think something is wrong. If you can't solve it it's best to break-up before you sleep with someone else.

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